7 Essential Laws for a Thriving, Joyful and Prosperous Relationship with Work and Money

Christy Whitman Quantum Success Book Endorsements

Jack Canfield

Co-Author of The Success Principles ™ and a featured teacher in “The Secret

“In every aspect of your life, you are either the deliberate creator of all that happens to you or the passive observer of it. In Creating Quantum Success in Your Career, Christy Whitman shows you how you can take conscious responsibility for all that manifests around you, and how – by adjusting the frequency of what you are sending out by virtue of your thoughts, beliefs, moods and attitudes – you can become more magnetic to the career and life success you desire.”

Dave Asprey

CEO Bulletproof, NY Times Bestselling author of Head Strong and The Bulletproof Diet.

“There is something hard to describe that many of the world’s happiest, most successful people stumble across. In this book, Christy Whitman shares what she learned from 20 years of examining it, that dramatic success is not just about hard work, effort or struggle, but is also a state of abundance that unfolds naturally and exponentially when you learn how to harness the power and energy of the world around you.”

Anna Trebunskaya

Dancer/Choreographer, Actress & TV Personality

“Quantum Success in Your Career” is a must. Whether you’re a young professional, someone looking into expanding your career or thinking about maybe switching to a different field, this book is for you. Christy Whitman created a powerful tool box with clear directions, personal examples and testimonies from some of the most inspiring Law of Attraction coaches. It’s a book you will come back to time and time again for many years to come.”

Nevin Millan

Storyteller (Actor, Writer, Filmmaker) & Creative Consultant

“Christy Whitman is a bonafide energy guru! She has harnessed many facets of the universal Law of Attraction and created an effortless and precise methodology that anyone can follow to live their ultimate goals, dreams and potential, it’s truly inspirational. ‘Quantum Success in Your Career’ is an essential tool for any profession, from the corporate world to the arts to entrepreneurs. I know I’ll be keeping it close by and implementing her program daily!”

David Meltzer

Forbes and Entrepreneur’s Top Keynote Speaker
#1 Digital Business Show – Elevator Pitch 
Top 5 Podcast on iTunes – The Playbook 
Two Time Best-selling author & Top 100 Business Coach in the World

“Quantum Success is a radical and new approach to creating success!  Christy Whitman applies universal laws to help people realize greater professional and financial success by outlining a precise “inside-out” approach. This is a must read for everyone who wants to accelerate their innate power to manifest.”

Mary Morrissey

Author and Speaker

“Christy Whitman lives what she teaches and her message has helped tens of thousands.  In her newest book, Quantum Success, Christy guides you through a proven process for realizing – in full tangible form – the highest vision of success that you hold in your heart.”

Dr. Joe Vitale

Bestselling Author, The Miracle and Zero Limits

“At last! Christy Whitman reveals a step-by-step process for creating quantum success from the inside out. I wish I had had this book 30 years ago!”

Marci Shimoff

New York Times Bestselling Author, a World-Renowned Transformational Teacher and Expert on Happiness, Success and Unconditional Love

“Quantum Success offers a refreshing new approach that will change the way you think about business, entrepreneurship, and finding work that fulfills you.  In reading it you will discover that you are the one with the power to hold yourself back from – or to allow yourself the full realization of – your greatness and creative power.”

Dr. John Demartini

International Bestselling Author of the Values Factor – The Secret to Creating an Inspired and Fulfilling Life

“Many business books focus on teaching strategies for achieving external markers of success – for example, attaining a particular position, or amassing certain amount of money in the bank – and as a result, many people believe these circumstances are necessary in order to feel successful.  And in some cases they are – depending upon the individual’s set of values and life time goals or objectives. But Quantum Success by Christy Whitman takes a radical and different approach to marking success, showing readers how to cultivate within the field of their thoughts, moods and attitudes an atmosphere of success that will continue to build in momentum and attraction power, regardless of outside circumstances.”

John Assaraf

Spiritual Entrepreneur, Philanthropist and Teacher with an Insatiable Passion for Brain Research

“No matter what your present circumstances – whether you’re working to expand a business that you love; re-evaluating your current career path or looking for your very first job – the process that Law of Attraction coach Christy Whitman outlines in Quantum Success will show you how to align yourself on every level with your highest vision.”

Natalie Ledwell

Best Selling Author and Co-Founder of Mind Movies

“In Quantum Success, celebrity coach and Law of Attraction expert Christy Whitman shows you how to harness universal forces such as attraction, polarity, alignment, and momentum to create or re-create a career expression that is ideal for you in every imaginable way.”

Dave Pratt

Owner and founder of Star Worldwide Networks & Host of Dave Pratt Live Show

“Christy is a pro! She knocked her entire audio book out in 2 days!! We are proud to have Christy on Star Worldwide Networks and proud to be recording her new book Quantum Success! I read an early publisher’s copy front to back and it is awesome!”

© 2018 Quantum Success Book, Inc.

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